
Sustainability Partnerships Continue to Grow

Fia Turczynewycz
Sep 30, 2020
Green Umbrella leads collaboration, incubates ideas and catalyzes solutions that create a resilient, sustainable region for all. Guide Us Green is also passionate about a healthy and sustainable community for all, using our platform to highlight businesses, places, and spaces that put in the extra effort to improve the health of our planet and our people. These two dedicated organizations have partnered together to showcase the 200+ member organizations that belong to Green Umbrella, and collaborate together to achieve collective goals. ...

Introducing Guide Us Green: A Website Community with a Purpose

Fia Turczynewycz
Sep 10, 2019
Guide Us Green is an online directory, but it is anything but static. This website will continuously ebb and flow as it showcases businesses and organizations that put in the extra effort and intention to be healthy and sustainable for their customers, the planet, and themselves. Whether you are looking for a restaurant that sources food locally, a park to breathe in the fresh air of the outdoors, a studio to practice yoga, or a contractor that understands solar panels or rain gardens, this site has it. And more. ...