Sustainability Partnerships Continue to Grow

Fia Turczynewycz
Sep 30, 2020
Last week was the 2020 Great Outdoor Week, where many members of Green Umbrella, Greater Cincinnati’s Regional Sustainability Alliance, hosted events, free admission, and encouraged residents to get outside and find adventure while connecting to nature. It is also the week that a new partnership took root. Green Umbrella leads collaboration, incubates ideas and catalyzes solutions that create a resilient, sustainable region for all. Guide Us Green is also passionate about a healthy and sustainable community for all, using our platform to highlight businesses, places, and spaces that put in the extra effort to improve the health of our planet and our people. 

These two dedicated organizations have partnered together to showcase the 200+ member organizations that belong to Green Umbrella, and collaborate together to achieve collective goals. The members are now on Guide Us Green’s site under the Green Umbrella Sustainability Alliance Directory, an enhanced directory that allows Green Umbrella members to edit their “storefront” listing to include photographs, FAQ’s, reviews, and more.  

As the world continues to navigate through increased natural disasters, a global pandemic, injustice, and inequalities, it gives us hope to see so many people dedicated to positive, long lasting solutions and collaborations. 

Not a Green Umbrella member yet? Join today and earn a Green Umbrella badge on your Guide Us Green storefront listing while enjoying the many benefits of a Green Umbrella membership.


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