Directing rainwater away from storm sewers and infiltrating water back in to groundwater tables continues the natural cycle. Rain gardens, and Bio-Swales are great tools and natural habitats that also mitigate stormwater.
Green Streets Environmental Services is a Storm Water Mitigation Company at heart with a particular focus on slowing down aka "mitigating" stormwater. We do this in many ways. Capturing, Filtering, and Repurposing , Diverting, are all ways to mitigate all while creating opportunity to reuse. Be it capture to tank to irrigation systems, or a wash station for vehicles, or even chilling for commercial coolant, there are as many uses as you can imagine. And of course we can filter to almost any specification. Or if need be, we can even simply just keep it from flooding your basement.
Be it a Residential, Commercial, Developers, and or Municipal system, we Consult, Design, Supply, and Install as needed scalable to any project need. Also keep in mind, If you are seeking LEED rating for your project, we can show you how to jump up an entire level with storm water and plantings. So silver can become gold.
Our "redundancy" approach in Storm Water issues can mitigate millions of gallons annually with a multitude of tools. We firmly believe we are approaching a 100 Year Storm Net Zero Storm Water Capability for almost any site or project. That "redundancy" could look like this: Vegetative or Green Roof drains through your Living Wall, in to your Rainwater Capture System which overflows to a bioswale rain garden and then on to an infiltration zone.
We have added a host of proven designs to our Portfolio in Decentralized Wastewater Treatment, Fire Suppression and can scale to any size needed. We have single stand alone Waste Water Systems that can handle 800 people a day and are even working towards automated Fire System that can be dialed "on" from off site to recycle tanked water on site, watering a roof and grounds as a wildfire approaches.
Services Offered:
Basement / Sub Level Check Valves to address flooding
Site Consultation
System Design
Intensive & Extensive Modular Vegetative / Green Roofs
Living Walls,
Rain Gardens
Infiltration zones
Capture Systems Below Grade
Captures Systems Above Grade
Fire Suppression Tanks
Wastewater Management (commercial & residential)
Green Streets Environmental Services is a Storm Water Mitigation Company at heart with a particular focus on slowing down aka "mitigating" stormwater. We do this in many ways. Capturing, Filtering, and Repurposing , Diverting, are all ways to mitigate all while creating opportunity to reuse. Be it capture to tank to irrigation systems, or a wash station for vehicles, or even chilling for commercial coolant, there are as many uses as you can imagine. And of course we can filter to almost any specification. Or if need be, we can even simply just keep it from flooding your basement.
Be it a Residential, Commercial, Developers, and or Municipal system, we Consult, Design, Supply, and Install as needed scalable to any project need. Also keep in mind, If you are seeking LEED rating for your project, we can show you how to jump up an entire level with storm water and plantings. So silver can become gold.
Our "redundancy" approach in Storm Water issues can mitigate millions of gallons annually with a multitude of tools. We firmly believe we are approaching a 100 Year Storm Net Zero Storm Water Capability for almost any site or project. That "redundancy" could look like this: Vegetative or Green Roof drains through your Living Wall, in to your Rainwater Capture System which overflows to a bioswale rain garden and then on to an infiltration zone.
We have added a host of proven designs to our Portfolio in Decentralized Wastewater Treatment, Fire Suppression and can scale to any size needed. We have single stand alone Waste Water Systems that can handle 800 people a day and are even working towards automated Fire System that can be dialed "on" from off site to recycle tanked water on site, watering a roof and grounds as a wildfire approaches.
Services Offered:
Basement / Sub Level Check Valves to address flooding
Site Consultation
System Design
Intensive & Extensive Modular Vegetative / Green Roofs
Living Walls,
Rain Gardens
Infiltration zones
Capture Systems Below Grade
Captures Systems Above Grade
Fire Suppression Tanks
Wastewater Management (commercial & residential)